How can you smoothly maintain hardware properly?

If you want to continue using windows, doors, hinges and locks properly, it is important to check them regularly and provide them with the necessary maintenance. It is important to regularly lubricate the hinges and locks of windows and doors. It is recommended to use a silicone or graphite-based lubricant for this purpose. First start by polishing these parts. Then apply a small amount of lubricant to the hinges, locks and other moving parts and then move them several times to distribute the lubricant evenly. This will keep windows and doors working perfectly. If you notice during maintenance that some windows and doors are no longer turning or closing properly after all, don't wait any longer and don't let the yawns get any bigger, call on Respo Group today for maintenance on windows, doors, as well as hinges and locks.

Respo Group does not perform this type of repair work (functional damages) in the Netherlands.

Why buy new when you can repair it cheaper as new?